Kitchen Renovation Ideas Singapore: Kitchen Design Mistakes That No One Should Ever Make

Kitchen Renovation Ideas Singapore: Kitchen Design Mistakes That No One Should Ever Make

When it comes to designing your kitchen, there are a few mistakes that should be avoided at all costs. A cluttered and unorganized space will make cooking more difficult than it needs to be, so you should take extra care not to clutter the counters. One of the biggest mistakes is improperly using the kitchen space. People often make their kitchens too small and this can cause a lot of problems in the long run – this includes getting limited cabinet space, too many appliances or not enough counter space for food preparation. This article aims to help you avoid these common kitchen design mistakes by giving some helpful tips on how best to use your available space and what things you shouldn’t overlook when designing your open concept kitchen.

1. Insufficient Circulation Space Aroun Galley Kitchen

Principal at interior design firm Eat Bathe Live, not allowing enough circulation space can make a kitchen feel cramped and limit the number of people who can comfortably use the space at the same time. recommends leaving about 4 feet of space between kitchen countertops to allow for adequate circulation. Allow for a little more space if the kitchen has a main thoroughfare. 39 inches would be the minimum amount of space between countertops in a small kitchen, but aim for more if possible.

2. Failure to Plan Around the Workflow

“It is critical to have a good kitchen workflow. If you don’t have one, your kitchen will be inefficient, and you may find yourself running back and forth between different parts of the kitchen every time you cook, wash, or prep,” Gordon says. Consider how you will use your kitchen during the planning stages, she advises. She suggests increasing functionality by locating spice and oil storage near the cooking zone and cutlery and dishes near the dishwasher. “Many smart solutions are available on the market, such as wide pull out drawers and tailored inserts that facilitate high-functioning storage,” Gordon says. Generally speaking the storage area should be near the entrance. This helps in lessening the distance during transportations such as groceries to the cabinet or fridge. The area for prepare the food should be carefully located. This eliminates the long delay to return ingredients and minimises the risk of overheating the food. Bad workflow planning causes an impractical kitchen that turns cooking, washing and pre-planning food into nightmares.

3. Lack of Measuring Instruments

Inadequate appliance planning can result in excessive protrusion from oversize refrigerators. “This can have an impact on your ability to open cabinets and other appliances in your kitchen, as well as reduce circulation space,” Gordon says. Not measuring small appliances such as microwaves, blenders, and food processors can also be a problem. They can end up sitting on the counter and causing clutter if they don’t have a proper home, she says. Gordon recommends selecting appliances ahead of time, checking the dimensions and the way appliances open to ensure that your kitchen layout can accommodate them in concealed, tailored storage. This is also true for pots and pans.

4. Improper Lighting Positioning

According to home stager Naomi Findlay, if you don’t install the right light fixtures over your countertops, you’ll be prepping, cooking, and cleaning in the dark. “Another common lighting blunder is putting aesthetics ahead of functionality. Pretty pendants are lovely, but if they don’t cast enough light on your work surfaces, they’re useless,” she says. Solution: Locate lighting slightly in front of you rather than directly overhead or behind you, according to Findlay. Installing downlights, pendant lights, and sconces on separate circuits, she claims, makes it easier to control lighting levels and atmosphere. And don’t forget to choose bulbs that produce enough light so you can see what you’re doing while chopping and cooking.

5. Failure to Consider Function of Kitchen Island and Kitchen Cabinets

When planning your remodel, Findlay recommends placing your kitchen’s busiest areas, such as the sink, stove, and refrigerator, in practical locations that are relevant to one another while allowing enough space for people to use and access them comfortably. When selecting cabinetry, she recommends making sure the doors won’t obstruct your workflow when they’re open. “The last thing you want is for your fridge and upper cabinets doors to bang against each other every time you open them!” Solution: Plan your kitchen layout including kitchen island, as far in advance as possible, and select your appliances before looking at cabinetry, suggests Findlay. “By doing so, you will be able to fit your units around your appliances rather than the other way around, giving you a seamless look that is both smart and space-efficient.”

6. There isn’t enough space between the sink and the stove.

According to Cherie Barber, owner of Renovating for Profit, which offers online remodeling instruction, the area between the sink and the stove is the main food preparation area, so although there are no set guidelines, you’ll want a decent expanse of countertop space there. Solution: When designing your kitchen island and kitchen cabinets, ensure that the layout meets the practical day-to-day needs of the kitchen user, she advises.

7. Ineffective design

As a primary designing rule maintain cook with kitchen backsplash and preparation areas side-by-side. The upper cabinets and drawers should be positioned correctly and you should be given ample room to open them. It is necessary that the storage area is close to the entrance as this reduces the distance between your workstation and cabinet/fridge. The storage space should be nearby the entrance.


It can be difficult to design a kitchen that is functional and looks good, but it’s not impossible. Before you start the remodel process, take time to think about what your needs are in order to ensure that your new space will work for you day-to-day. The last thing you want is an impractical layout with no counter space or storage room! To get started on this project without any hassle, contact one of our kitchen interior designer today. They’ll help you figure out how much cabinet and countertop space you need as well as where appliances should go so they don’t clutter up your workspace. We offer free consultations so there’s nothing stopping you from calling us now!  

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